Dr. Wendy Doucette

my story.

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The most positive action we can take about the past is to change our perception of it.
— Deepak Chopra

I grew up in New York City, which will always be home, but was pulled to Los Angeles almost twenty years ago. While I will forever be a city girl at heart, I absolutely love the lifestyle that California provides for me and my family. I received my Master’s Degree in Social Work from New York University in 1998 and earned my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Ryokan College in 2006. I am certified in Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT), the Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM) and Trauma Informed Hypnotherapy (THI).

While at NYU I trained at The Payne Whitney Clinic at New York Presbyterian Hospital and Beth Israel Hospital in the Pediatric AIDS Department. After moving to LA, I worked as a medical social worker at AIDS Healthcare Foundation, then later at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in the Home Hospice program. I have maintained a private practice since 2003. After taking some time to transition to new motherhood and raise my two sons, I returned to work as a primary therapist and clinical supervisor at Soba Recovery Center in Malibu.

Extensive clinical training, education and practical life experience have shown me that therapy can be transformational. Utilizing an integrative approach, I work with my clients to teach them to regulate their nervous systems, learn to use new effective coping strategies, access their inner wisdom, integrate unconscious and conscious mind, and improve their overall physical, spiritual, and mental health and wellness.

Ever since I can remember, I have been relentlessly curious about people, relationships, and how the mind works.My own experiences with grief, loss, trauma, and transitioning into motherhood have both shaped my personal life as well as informed my professional life. It is my fundamental belief that for deep healing to occur, we have to appeal to both the logical and emotional aspects of the mind. To best achieve this, I take a holistic view of healing that integrates the Relationship, Neuroscience, Mindfulness, Clinical Hypnosis, Guided Imagery, and Somatic Experiencing.


You are the author of your own unique story, and together we can update the stories of the past and clarify what you most want to write about in your next chapter. 

The unconscious mind is like a computer with old software that needs to be updated. In therapy, we can collaborate to install new software to get your mind working most efficiently for you. I will help you to access both your internal and external resources, so that you can use all of the potential inside of yourself.

Certain past experiences can leave a lasting impression, and it is those impressions that can shape our world view. Neuroscience research over the last ten years has proven that we can re-wire our brains with new understanding of neuroplasticity. How our minds work is not psychological, it is neurobiological.

Together we will discover new neural pathways to connect the dots and re-write your story into a more cohesive narrative. Attention and intention manifests our reality. In our work together I will empower you to use all of the resources within you to update your limiting beliefs and install new positive beliefs. In this way, you will gain a new understanding of how your mind works so that you can welcome transformational change that sticks!

your story.


her story.


I take a brain based approach to help my clients think about their transition to motherhood in a new way. By sharing stories in a safe environment where my clients feel seen, heard and not judged, they begin to feel relief, gain insight, and learn new ways to access their internal and external resources.

Inspired by my own personal challenges during Matrescence, I have taken a special interest in Maternal Mental Health in my practice. To this end, I offer house calls to support new mommas who may not otherwise come into my office. Exploring each woman’s story in therapy through a holistic lens, I consider her biological, social, psychological and spiritual history, her identity transition, her coping strategies, and her expectations of parenthood.

“The process of becoming a mother, coined by Dana Raphael, Ph.D. (1973), is a developmental passage where a woman transitions through pre-conception, pregnancy and birth, surrogacy or adoption, to the postnatal period and beyond. The exact length of matrescence is individual, recurs with each child, and may arguably last a lifetime! The scope of the changes encompass multiple domains—bio-psycho-social-political-spiritual—and can be likened to the developmental push of adolescence.” —Aurelie Athan, Ph.D.

write a new story.


Wendy Doucette, PsyD, LCSW, CHt


1639 11th Street, Suite 212

Santa Monica, CA 90404

310.487.1707 drwendydoucette@gmail.com



“Wendy is fantastic! She makes you feel right at home with friendly and calm energy. In just a few sessions she taught me invaluable mental tools to manage and resolve my PTSD flashbacks. I’ve seen a number of therapists for years, but I wish I had been taught these techniques ages ago. I’ve also had a few times of emotional crisis, but Wendy was able to see me quickly, help me pinpoint where my internal dialogue was going astray, and get me tapping into the inner strength I already have. It’s amazing how quickly, even after just a couple sessions, I’ve been able to turn a situation around. I highly recommend her, especially for people who are struggling to cope with panic and anxiety.”


"I was referred to Wendy during a large life transition and was shaping my new identity. In a state of panic, I turned to Wendy to help me both process and understand my reactions and fears. Through our conversations Wendy always showed me empathy, compassion and brought me back to reality. She helped me further explore my thoughts and I slowly moved away from panic into a more functional state of understanding and compassion towards myself. She also taught me multiple techniques to use when I am feeling anxious, that I still practice today. I know that whatever I’m experiencing, Wendy is available for me to speak with and I find great comfort in knowing I have her as a consistent resource. I have recommended her to close friends and would continue to refer her to anyone who is interested in working with a caring, knowledgeable psychologist.”

- J.N.

“Wendy helped me work through some deep-seeded issues which has helped me lead a more positive and hopeful life. She has been a tremendous source of support since I first met her. I highly recommend meeting with her!”


“Seeing Wendy after my son was born was so helpful! Having someone there to listen and support me during a very vulnerable transition was invaluable. I highly recommend Wendy to anyone in need of postpartum support!”


